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Project: SHORES Langeland

Project description: South Langeland - a hotspot for water activities and outdoor experiences

Short description

SHORES Langeland shall end up in the establishment of a powerhouse for water activities in the old ferry jetty in Bagenkop Harbour as well as in smaller local hotspots for water activities and outdoor experiences on numerous locations on South Langeland. The project involves an array of local operators: private participants, associations and the municipality. A new coalition SHORES - Langeland is built to ensure the future of the project.

Background and Purpose

SHORES Langeland has as an overall objective to activate the place bound potential as an epicentre for water activities and outdoor experiences, and it was seriously embodied in 2015, where local enthusiasts  togehter with DGI and Lokale og Anlægsfonden took the first steps. The project was then named AQTIV. Later in 2016 Naturturisme I/S was attached to the project and on the way the geographical area has expanded, so it today includes all Langeland. In 2017 the project took the new name SHORES - Langeland and the local coalition was build. The purpose of the coalition is to ensure local engagement, and ongoing development. See more of the coalotion on www.shores-langeland.com 

The project’s steering committee consists of local operators, the coalition SHORES - Langeland,, Naturturisme I/S and Langeland Municipality. Workinggroups are made ad hoc with the relevant participants.

Naturturisme I/S is projectowner and responsible for building

Possibilities and Advantages

The project will contribute to the development of the local experience economy at Langeland and create new possibilities for tourists and local people in the area. It is emphazised that the project creates possibilities for kids and young people to be active in the blue element.

The powerhouse in Bagenkop Harbour and the local hotspots are part of the realisation of the Dissemination Strategy of Det Sydfynske Øhav (The South Funen Archipelago). 

Collaborators and Funds

Early in the project, a solid foundation has been developed to create the necessary local anchorage of the project, i.e. through the elaboration of the report “Basis activation and organisation proposals” for SHORES - Langeland wich have now resulted in the establishing of the coalition.  Local enthusiasts and the coalition are now realising the ideas in the report.

The overall project is expected to have a budget of ca. 20 mil. dkr. Langeland Municipality has joined the project with 1.65 mil. dkr., just as LAG LLSAE is supporting the project with 531.000 dkr. 
SHORES - Langeland has collaborated with the initiatives Vild med Vand and NatureMoves (SDU), who are to contribute to the project by enabling the facilities and qualifying the final content of the project. With the collaboration with NatureMoves follows 100.000 dkr. for development. Lokale- og Anlægsfonden (LoA) has supported the project’s ideas from an early stage, and it is expected that the fund contributes with a considerable financial support.  An ongoing dialogue with other funds is taking place.

Time schedule

The project are devided into three primary phases:

Phase 1: Starting up a proces with analyzes, trial actions, smaller building and fundraising

Phase 2: Detailed design

Phase 3: Implementing and activating of the total project

Phase 1 is ongoing in 2017. Phase 2 is expected to be started ultimo 2017. Phase 3 is expected to be finished in 2019. 

Project Manager at Naturturisme I/S:
Kewin Friis Kamelarczyk, kewin.kamelarczyk@svendborg.dk

Project sum: ca. 20 mio. dkr. 

The project is provisionally supported by:

  • Langeland Kommune 
  • Vild med Vand, Velkommen på havnen
  • NatureMoves
  • LAG, Lokale Aktions Grupper
  • Den Europæiske Landbrugsfond for Udvikling af Landdistrikterne, Danmark og Europa investere i landdistrikterne

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