Project: Meet the Locals
Project description: With 'Meet the Locals', tourists in Det Sydfynske Øhav (The South Funen Archipelago) get access to experiences through local eyes.
Meet the Locals in Det Sydfynske Øhav (The South Funen Archipelago)
With 'Meet the Locals', tourists in Det Sydfynske Øhav (The South Funen Archipelago) get access to experiences through local eyes, where residents guide with a baseline to their own person, hobbies or business.
The guests are enriched through the feeling of being brought behind the scenes and getting insight in a different way of life, and they leave the local with a sensation of having experienced something unique.
Background and Purpose
The purpose was to uncover the potential of bringing local forces into game and inviting guests and tourists to natural areas, properties or businesses which are not normally on display.
The purpose of the project was also to get an open-minded view of what would happen, when locals without classical education in communication open up and narrate.
Possibilities and Advantages
Meet the Locals strengthens live communication through local guides via a tour through bars, camping sites etc., and the local residents of South Funen are brought into the information of South Funen’s nature and culture.
At the same time, it provides an income to the local operators and the project participates in giving tourists a more authentic experience.
The project is completed in close cooperation with Karen Elberg from Meet the Locals.
Project Manager at Naturturisme I/S:
Søren Lisby, soren.lisby@svendborg.dk
Project sum: 135.000 dkr.
The project was supported by:
- Friluftsrådet