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Project: The Harbour Cooperation (Havneprojektet)

Project description: The project aims to make The South Funen Archipelago known by Northern Germans and Danes as the #1 sailing area in the Baltic Area.

LAG-Små-øerne og LAG SØM, Faaborg-Svendborg: En sejlerdestination i særklasse – Das Dänische Inselmeer
FLAG, Langeland og Ærø: Ø-sejlads i verdensklasse – World Class Sailing Destination

The Harbour Cooperation (Havneprojektet) aims to make Det Sydfynske Øhav (The South Funen Archipelago) known by Northern Germans and Danes as the #1 sailing area in the Baltic Area.
Both the harbours and the quality of the waters make this vision realistic.
Investments create good, new facilities in the majority of the harbours, and the unique waters in the protected and versatile archipelago gives it at strong position within the market.

Background and Purpose

The project arose from another project: ‘A World Class Sailing Destination’, where the harbours in Svendborg, Faaborg-Midtfyn and on Langeland and Aero established a cooperation and had a wide range of experiences that are now being built on – like an archipelago portal and welcome material for a joint logo and identity for the area.. 
The Harbour Cooperation and Naturturisme I/S are working hard together on developing the common waters - on developing and visualising the quality of the marinas in Det Sydfynske Øhav - and on creating new products that can be a distinguishing feature for the area and tie it together in the sailor’s consciousness. 

Possibilities and Advantages

The Harbour Cooperation is built on a vision of creating a strong network and profile around the common waters. It creates coherence in the area through the work with information from both the big and the small harbours.
Furthermore, more products for experience are created including at least one larger experience product that ties the area together by visualising the level of quality in the marinas: certification scheme and possible investment plans.

Collaborators and Funds

The two parts of the Harbour Cooperation is co-financed by the four municipalities: Aero, Langeland, Svendborg og Faaborg-Midtfyn, by LAG Småøerne, LAG Langeland, Læsø, Samsø and Ærø and LAG SØM.

The following harbours are participating in the cooperation:

En sejlerdestination i særklasse – Das Dänishe Inselmeer:

  • Faaborg
  • Falsled
  • Svendborg havn 
  • Svendborg Lystbådehavn
  • Rantzausminde Lystbådehavn
  • Drejø havn
  • Skarø havn
  • Ballen
  • Avernakø havn
  • Lyø havn
  • Troense havn
  • Thurø havn

Ø-sejlads i verdensklasse – Worldclass sailing destination

  • Bagenkop
  • Rudkøbing
  • Strynø
  • Ristinge
  • Søby
  • Marstal
  • Ærøskøbing

Project Manager at Naturturisme I/S:
Nina Brandt Jacobsen


Project sum: 2.300.000 dkr.

The project is supported by:

  • LAG, Lokale Aktions Grupper
  • Destination, Fynklyngen
  • Langeland Kommune 
  • Ærø Kommune
  • Faaborg-Midtfyn Kommune
  • Svendborg Kommune 


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