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Project: The Archipelago Trail (Øhavsstien)

Project description: The Archipelago Trail - 220 km. of experiences for hikers

Short description

The Archipelago Trail (Øhavsstien) is a hiking trail that turned 10 years old in 2016. With its 220 km., it is one of the longest hiking trails in Denmark and possibly the best in the country. E.g.: Fjällräven have chosen The Archipelago Trail for its walking event 'Fjällräven Classic' in Denmark because of the beautiful nature of Det Sydfynske Øhav (The South Funen Archipelago).

The trail is surrounding Det Sydfynske Øhav and is gradually being upgraded. It has a very diverse course through unique cultural landscapes with astounding natural areas, manors, villages and market towns, characterised by the area’s exciting cultural history.

It is reserved for hikers and is marked throughout with posts and pictograms.

Background and Purpose

The Archipelago Trail reveals fantastic views of the archipelago and the many islets, which constitute internationally renowned habitats of birds.
It is possible to buy both packaged tours and to organise the tour yourself from home. We have split up the trail into a number of day trips with information on transport, parking and an overview map - and in this context, a guide book and pamphlets over The Archipelago Trail’s sections.
See where to buy them on the right side of the page.


The Archipelago Trail is established by Naturturisme I/S thanks to a splendid cooperation between the four municipalities, the approx. 150 landowners, who have provided land for the trail, and Naturturisme I/S.

The Archipelago Trail is currently undergoing an upgrade under the first draft - development of signature route and hiking destination

Project Managers at Naturturisme I/S:
Nina Brandt Jacobsen & Nanna Heinrich

Visit The Archipelago Trail

Read about the guide book

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Get Leaflets

Read about the upgrade

Project sum: 8.200.000 dkr.

The project is supported by: 

  • DE EUROPÆISKE FÆLLESSKABER - Projektet er støttet af EU´s Mål 2-program Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling

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