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Workshop - Tryk en fisk

12/5 Make art with a fish from the Geopark's Archipelago

Would you like to print a real fish for your own artwork?

Try your hand at the Gyotaku technique and press a freshly caught fish. The technique is an old Japanese technique.
The prints are made on handmade papers and with e.g. sumiink. The fish are transferred directly to paper using a special technique and selected materials.


Your prints dry quickly and you get them with you immediately afterwards.

price DKK 200 per person incl. materials


About Momlis

MOMLIS is based in a historic net house in the middle of Bagenkop's fishing environment and specializes in producing original graphic prints of fish caught in the local area. The process has its origins in a century-old Japanese technique, where one took direct impressions of one's catches. MOMLIS interprets the old technique with a Nordic twist.

The prints are made on handmade papers.


Geopark Days in Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav

The event is part of Geopark Days. Experience outdoor activities, local food and new knowledge about the local natural, cultural and geological history of the South Funen Archipelago, which was designated a UNESCO Global Geopark in April 2024.

See the full programme for Geopark Days 2024

Se hele programmet for Geopark Dage 2024

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Geopark Det Sydfynske Øhav © 2024