Project: Wild Horses at Klise Nor (Vilde Heste ved Klise Nor)
Project description: An area for wild horses was established in Klise Nor, north of Bagenkop, in 2003 in cooperation with The Danish Nature Agency, Funen.
Short description
As part of Naturturisme I/S’ strategy to create unique natural experiences in Det Sydfynske Øhav (The South Funen Archipelago), an area for wild horses was established in Klise Nor, north of Bagenkop, in 2003 in cooperation with The Danish Nature Agency, Funen. 10 Exmoore Ponies were set loose – partly to secure the area as a new and unique tourist attraction; partly to enlarge the biodiversity through grassing.
Today, approx. 60 wild horses roam an area that has been expanded to Dovns Cliff (Dovns Klint) and Søgård, and they are the largest attraction of South Langeland with around 50.000 annual visits.
Collaborators: The Danish Nature Agency, Funen
The project was handed over in 2006
Project sum: 624.000 dkr.
The project was supported by: