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Lone's bench, Alfio Bonanno

Lone’s bench, created by Alfio Bonanno, offers a view over Rudkøbing Vejle.

Lone's bench

  • Artist: Alfio Bonanno
  • Erected: 2016

Lone’s bench, created by Alfio Bonanno, offers a view over Rudkøbing Vejle. It was erected yo mark Queen Margrethe’s visit in 2016. The bench is named after Alfio Bonanno’s wife Lone, who first came up with the idea for this artwork. The sculpture has been created from granite found in the area and timber from the shipyard in the harbour. A local building firm, Alf Jensen/HML took care of polishing the wood.

Alfio Bonanno

Alfio Bonanno was born on Sicily and was raised in Australia and Italy, but has lived on Langeland since 1975. He is know both nationally and internationally for his work as a Land Artist, and has played a significant role in Langeland’s artistic community. You can read more about Alfio Bonanno here.

Rudkøbing Vejle

If you sit on the bench with your back to Rudkøbing you can enjoy the view over Rudkøbing Vejle which today is a beautiful wetland, rich in birdlife. During the spring and summer you have a good chance of spotting redshanks, lapwing and snipe, while during the winter you can see ducks such as mallard, widgeon and, if you are lucky, shovelers.

Read more about Vejlen here.

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