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Kayak fun in shallow water by the Øhavets Smakkecenter

Learn to romp around in a kayak in a “playpen” close to land or take a tour in the shallow water around Strynø.

If you would like to explore the South Fyn Archipelago in a kayak with your family, the Øhavets Smakkecenter on Strynø is the perfect place to start. We have a shelters “playpen” with water that is only knee deep. A safe place to play around in a kayak and learn to paddle.

If you would like some instruction and learn about the areas wildlife while you paddle along the island, you hire one of our qualified instructors. We will plan your day according to the age of your children, their competence and needs.

Children from 4 years can try a kayak. Smaller children can sit with one of their parents in a double kayak.

If you wan't an adult trip, you can rent kayaks and take a tour on your own or hire an instructor to go with you.

See prices on smakkecenter.dk
Booking: info@smakkecenter.dk or +45 5098 1306

Dress according to the weather: Swimming costume in good weather, otherwise wind and waterproof clothes, e.g.. rain clothes. Wet suit, rowing jacket and shoes can be hired at the Smakkecenter.

Bring a lunchpack or order in the café at the Øhavets Smakkecenter.

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