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Gulstav Mose - Åbent Tårn - vinterens fugle

Kom med til Åbent Tårn i Fugleværnsfondens naturreservat Gulstav Mose 

Come to the open tower in Gulstav Mose

Even though it is winter, you can still watch birds. When there is open water, we are visited by winter visitors from the north. These include mallards, pintails, pintails and mountain snipe. Any changes will be announced the day before on the moor's Facebook page.

Participation is free and registration is not required.

Meeting point: Fugletårnet, Gulstavvej 20, Bagenkop.
Turleder: Fugleværnsfondens frivillige arbejdsgruppe v/Børge L. Rasmussen (Tlf. 22216020).
Foto: Bjergand, Jørn Skeldahl

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