Go Shopping in Møllergade
Møllergade is not only the city’s longest shopping street – it is the very essence of
Svendborg! This is where you find funny oddities, great food and sprightly,
unconventional creativity.
Møllergade has music shops and one of the city’s best concert venues; it has good
food, art galleries, arts and crafts shops, and quirky stores; it is a lively community
with organic awareness and social responsibility.
Once a year the enterprising shopkeepers, gallery owners, and restaurant managers
organise “The World’s Friendliest Street Party”. Throughout the day the shops
present small servings, events, and mini-concerts.
From Møllergade, you can take the Harbour Stairs connecting the city centre with
the charming harbor, or go down the narrow alley Munkestræde with paved steps
leading directly to the train station.