Geopark: Søby Ramparts
Søby Volde (Søby Ramparts) is a princely fortification on West Ærø
Coins found there from about 1125–1250 indicate that King Niels (1104–1134) may have been the developer of this large hillfort. The fortification was presumably constructed as a defence against German expansion in the North German area and the recurring attacks by the Wends.
As such, the hillfort was likely part of a complex of hillforts meant to protect the population in The South Fyn Archipelago. The peak of the hill is 36 m above sea level and provides an impressive view out across Vitsø Nor and The South Fyn Archipelago with the island Als visible in the horizon. Vitsø Nor is a reclaimed Holocene former open cove which was navigable up until the 1600s. It may represent a part of a Late Weichselian meltwater valley or subglacial valley and/or a dead-ice-filled depression, which was inundated during the Holocene transgression. In 2009, the existing lake of Vitsø Nor was recreated as part of a nature conservation and water environmental project.
Finds of pottery indicate that the hillfort was operational for about 150–175 years and that it lost its importance at the end of the 1200s. Traces of a small trading post have been found around Vitsø. The trading post flourished for a short time seemingly concurrent with that of the fortification.
The installation consists of three parts: the main rampart, a top plateau surrounded by an outer rampart, and a front castle protected by a circular outer rampart. Traces of wooden buildings as well as utensils, weapons, and craft works have been found.