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Geopark: Lohals Harbour

The small port town of Lohals in North Langeland was approved as a shipping point for goods and people as early as 1630.

It wasn't until after the English Wars (1801-1814) that the town got the beginnings of a harbor, when it took over the piers from the gunboat station that had been built on the site during the war.

In 1863, the worn-out bridges were replaced with a new pier and jetty as the town prospered in freight, shipbuilding, ferrying and, to a large extent, fishing.

Lohals' heyday as a seafaring community peaked in the early 1900s, but by then tourists had taken notice of the small community with its good ferry connection to Zealand.

The last cargo ship in Lohals was sold in 1972 and the ferry route closed in 1998. Today, the harbor is a popular marina and the Archipelago Trail has one of its end points here.

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