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Fishing spot: Nedergård (near Bøstrup)

The coast at Nedergård is perfect for anglers looking for good sea trout fishing. With a little luck you can also catch garfish here in season.

There are a number of deep rip-channels close to the beach here. The chance of finding sea trout here is especially good in the early morning, as the areas of deep water here provides good feeding for the seatrout.

The stretch south of Nedergård has also gives good fishing, and has delivered many good seatrout over the years.

N.B. You must have a valid fishing license to fish here. Purchase your fishing license here.

The best fishing here is from February to May and from August to October.
Always remember to check the closed-seasons for individual species and fishing spots.

Visit fishingdenmark.info to find up to date information on weather and water conditions.

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