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Art Tower 2 - Ann-Kerstina Nielsen - Deep Under Part I

In art tower 2 you will be taken into the depths of a work by Ann-Kerstina Nielsen

Art Tower 2: Deep Under - Part I

As a young girl, Ann-Kerstina Nielsen attended a folk high school in Thy and in the garden at Sjørring Vold there was a stone carved by local artist Erland Knudsen Madsen. The inscription on that stone came to define her as a person and especially as an artist. The words on the stone are taken from Saxo's Chronicle of Denmark. Here, Saxo tells the story of the young boy Folke who is sent to the coast to scout for enemy ships, and when Folke sees the ships approaching, he hurries home to King Vermund's camp.

In the camp, King Vermund and his people are falling into idleness, sloth, drunkenness, offence and overspending. So as Folke approaches the camp, he shouts at the top of his lungs: "I bring glad tidings, the enemy is in the land. In the sense that: Wake up, there is something to fight for. In the same way, art must speak. Not to the emotions and not to the mind. But to the spirit!

Ann-Kerstina's work in the art tower is entitled: Deep Under - Part I

Part II can be found at the Cold War Museum Langelandsfortet.

Langeland's Art Towers - a unique way of experiencing art

Denmark's longest art exhibition can be experienced by visiting 12 former electrical transformer towers on Langeland. The art towers give visitors an artistic experience in the heart of the Langeland countryside.
From North to South and East to West, you can explore the cultural landscape and enjoy art in rural peace and quiet.

The towers are open all year round. A tour around them all will always offer a new experience, influenced by both the season and weather. 

You can read more about the  12 art towers at https://www.govisitlangeland.com/langeland/discover/art-towers


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